📃Platform 3.1 Release Notes

This page outlines the changes with the 3.1 Release

Bitcoin Invoicing & Payments

On-chain transaction support

When customers are paying either an Invoice generated out of your accounting system, such as QuickBooks, or they're paying for a Point of Sale purchase, the QR Code screen generated now provides the customer the ability to pay via a BTC Mainnet (On Chain) connected wallet. The user can toggle between Lightning and On Chain

When sending money out of the service, you also have the ability to send via an On Chain transaction as well by using the Withdraw BTC option.


Improved registration process

When coming from various parts of the BlockSpaces website, users will be presented with a quick registration page that eliminates some profile details up front. However, when subscribing to some services, this additional information may be required and will be prompted for later, including billing addresses and names, etc. The quick registration simply requires an email address, password and two-factor authentication setup.

New product categories

BlockSpaces supports multiple blockchain networks and capabilities around the Multiweb. To reflect that, the UI now represents the different categories of products including Multiweb Applications, like Bitcoin Invoicing & Payments, and Multiweb Infrastructure. There are more categories coming soon, so stay tuned.

The catalog when adding new products is separated by category as well.

Last updated